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Dear Members:
As part of your benefits plan with INTEGRA, you have access to your medical claims history and explanation of benefits (EOBs) online!
If you don’t have an account, please select "I’m a new member" on the Employees tab and enter the required information.
You may view your EOBs by logging in through the "Employees" tab, and then selecting the "Claims" tab.
Aggressive Medical Trend Management
World Class Service
August 2024:
Manage Stress

As summer vacations end and normal routines start, it’s easy to get stressed about everything going on. Though stress is a normal part of life, it can be managed so that it doesn’t get the best of you. This month’s tips will prepare you to manage your stress effectively.
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Compliance Overview:
Emergency Declarations for COVID-19 to End

On Monday, January 30, the Administration informed Congress that it intends to end both the public health emergency and national emergency declarations for COVID-19 on May 11.
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We have been working with INTEGRA Administrative Group for over 10 years and INTEGRA, in concert with our company, continues to provide affordable health coverage that meets the firm's objectives as well as that of our employees.